Saturday, February 7, 2009

Authonomy: Get noticed by Harper Collins

I just ran across a great site: Authonomy. It is a social network where writers post their works, people read and critique them and there is a forum for talking about writers and publishing.

So you might say, Robin there is GoodReads, LibraryThing, and Shelfari why should I care about this one? Well there is a great reason why. Harper Collins is using this to find gems for publishing. Think of it as a way to get past the "slush pile".

Each month they take the top 5 rated books and send them to the editors. They have already signed 3 authors from this program and I think it is a great way to get some attention of a major publisher.

It couldn't be easier.
  1. Create an account (free sign-up): Authonomy
  2. Click on "upload" and fill out: Title, Author, Short pitch (25 words), Full pitch (200 words), Cover Image (or use a template) and as many chapters as you wish (must have at least 10,000 words), specify genre, and keywords to help people find your work.
  3. As people read your work(s) they can choose up to 5 books to put on their shelf. At the end of month the 5 books that the most people have shelved will go to Harper Collins editors
  4. Even if you are not offered a contract you will get a review of your work from the editor

So post your book, tell your friends, and you might be able to get your work into the hands of a Harper Collins editor. Heck what do you have to lose?

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